Journey with Jesus

Discover the benefit of listening to the Spirit accompanied by a Spiritual Director

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a form of ancient Christian soul care that sees the necessity and gift of one person journeying with another through many seasons of faith and spiritual growth.

Seasons of faith include the excitement of joining the Christian faith and a body of believers; the continued exploration of spiritual gifts and disciplines toward growth; and the dry times when we feel the weight of life’s grief and questions.

Meet the Spiritual Directors

Deborah Borst
Deb’s desire is to companion others on the journey into deeper intimacy with God, lovingly listening for the movements of the Holy Spirit within their lives. She is open to meeting with any woman who seeks this growing intimacy with God. Contact Deb
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Deb is a graduate of Hope College. She has been involved in ministry for over 40 years, first as the wife of a parish pastor and then in Christian Community Development. She spent 23 years as Ministry Director of The Other Way Ministries in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her own hunger for deepening intimacy with Christ and her desire to encourage others on their faith journeys led her to pursue further study through The Transforming Community in Chicago. She received additional training and a certificate in Spiritual Direction through Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction.

Wendy Fisher
Wendy has served in ministry as a hospital chaplain, associate pastor, and instructor of spiritual formation. She has her certification in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction.
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She has an M.Div. from Yale Divinity School and completed the ministerial candidacy program at Calvin Theological Seminary.

JoelHogan Joel Hogan
One of Joel’s deep desires is to help people to grow in their intimacy with God so that they love him more dearly, hear him more clearly, and follow him more nearly. Contact Joel
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Joel has served with Christian Reformed World Missions (CRWM) for 31 years in several capacities. For 14 years he started new churches in the Philippines and then served the next 3 years as Field Leader. Joel was then called to serve in CRWM’s main office in Grand Rapids, first as Director of Training, Education and Resources and for the past 9 years as Director of International Ministries. Joel was trained in spiritual direction through Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Patty Hogan Patty Hogan
Patty’s personal ministry statement is “to grow in an increasing intimacy with God and to use that relationship to influence others towards deeper intimacy with Christ in their journey of faith.” Contact Patty
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Patty currently serves as a Director of Prayer and Spiritual Companioning ministries at Madison Square Church in Grand Rapids. She spent 17 years as a cross-cultural missionary in the Philippines and has been a registered nurse for 40 years. Patty was trained in spiritual direction through Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Carol Burge
Carol believes spiritual direction allows a person to learn the truth about God, self, relationships and their work in the world. Through spiritual direction, daily life becomes saturated with a new awareness of God’s presence. Connecting to God’s love leads to personal transformation and a deeper desire to abide in this love. Contact Carol
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Carol began receiving spiritual direction while working as a counselor. The experience was so personally significant that after concluding her career in psychology, Carol completed the training program with Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction so she could offer spiritual direction in the Christian tradition.

Carol Petter
Carol currently serves as a chaplain at Spectrum Hospital and sees individuals for spiritual direction by private appointment. Carol continues to grow through retreats, spiritual practice and peer support. Contact Carol
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Though Carol has made a career in business, she has always had a vital interest in spiritual growth. Carol was trained in spiritual direction through Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction.

Kris RyskampKris Ryskamp
Kris sees her relationship with God reflected in the image of a mother and infant gazing into each other’s eyes, attuned and responsive to each other’s expression, movement, voice, and touch. Her passion is to accompany directees in their deepening awareness of being held and transformed by Perfect Love. “Behold God beholding you . . . and smiling.” Contact Kris
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Kris holds a two year certificate from Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction. She has served cross-culturally in Asia and Africa, worked professionally as an Infant Mental Health Therapist, is a pastoral care elder, and delights in being an active grandmother. Kris is also available for video-conferencing.